Tuesday, September 15, 2015


Go check sariibellexoxo.blogspot.com. It's my other blog and I just posted. Be sure to follow. (Also it's a fall post) 


Sunday, September 13, 2015

The Bath Shop Tour

Hey! Today I will be giving you guys a tour of the bath shop(which will be in a upcoming photostory). I know this isn't the dollhouse tour but that will be up soon. Let's get started!


   First table which has a assortment of products.

Here is a close up of the smaller table.

Here's the register area. 

  Finally here is the last area which has things such as a hair dryer.

I hope you enjoyed!

Saturday, September 12, 2015

Randomness and a Photoshoot

Hey! Long time no post I know. I've been busy but I'm gonna try to post more often. Just wanted to know your thoughts on whether I should keep SariiBellexoxo the blog or should I just do the posts I would on there on this blog? I heard about all the bloggers that left. It's sad.:( Also I got a new Instagram, it's greentomatodoll. Go follow! Anyways I did this Photoshoot with my phone and I was actually impressed. I might do some more photoshoots with my phone soon. Also thank you soooooo much for over 4000 page views!!! *insert mini party* Yay! Also the next post will hopefully be about my upcoming series!! Last question.... Do you want to see a dollhouse tour? I just decorated it for fall so if you are interested just tell me. Now on to the photos!

Which photo was your favorite?